We’ve made a bunch of cool stuff. But we’re not showing it to you.

We frequently get asked why we don’t have more of a “portfolio” of work on our website; images of campaigns we’ve created for the public to browse.

I’m proud of everything we make for our clients. And we always try to make every object we create as perfect, as lovely, as beautiful as possible. But that’s not really the whole story.

That’s not even the story at all.

The real story is why.

If a client asks us to make a thing, we ask them why. Why is there a need? Why that particular thing? Why now? Why will your audience care? Why… well you get the point.

Answering the question why makes the design better, the brand stronger, and the client happier.

That’s not something that a portfolio of snazzy design images will express very clearly. And even though they say a picture is worth a thousand words, we’ve only needed 188 to start this conversation with you.

Stop by or give us a call if you want to chat more about the why. If we go over a thousand words we can start looking at pictures.

Floyd Diebel
Creative Director, EMRL